Thursday, April 27, 2017

Some 1989 Magazine Ads

I came across an old 1989 magazine and thought some of the ads interesting in what has changed and what hasn't.


MAX Redline said...

I remember when AST was a thing - and U.S. West as well. AST had 128k Ram and a 360Kb 5.5" floppy drive. Never bought AST; I could build better systems for less money.

U.s. West is now Centurylink, and by most accounts, still crappy.

T. D. said...

The last pay phone I saw was in a hospital two years ago. Used to be all around before cell phones. The very young only know about them from TV and movies.

MAX Redline said...

I can't recall the last time I saw a pay phone, but then, I haven't been in jail. I can only imagine how Superman must feel.

T. D. said...

Heh. I guess since Superman is a period character they would only have a problem with that if they set him in the present.