Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Emails: Sarah Palin Shines vs. Hillary Clinton

Sarah Palin had all her official emails released. Not only was there not a breath of scandal or poor decision making, but she was shown to be a hardworking, competent governor.


MAX Redline said...

Which is why the Left vilifies her.

T. D. said...

And the "leaders" of the right can't stand her either. She's too clean and too consistent. You can't be really smart and be that clean in doing your job and consistently promoting conservative values. According to George Will, you have to remember that politics is a "team sport" where you sometimes need to sacrifice principle for the team (speaking of Ted Cruz). People who don't are dumb or incompetent.

MAX Redline said...

A lot of folks like George Will, but he's not on my "must read" list because he tends to veer away from values far too often.

T. D. said...

Yep. I can't remember the last time I heard Will say anything particularly insightful.

When he was on ABC, I only saw him when I looked at a particularly egregious segment. Now, that he's on Fox, I get doses of him now and again when I walk through the living room (like that mentioned above). Unfortunately, not worth stopping for except to take mental notes on the newest conservative commentator quick fix (like nominating the most likable candidate in order to win the presidency in 2016).