Friday, March 30, 2012

Senator Mitch McConnell on Uncommon Knowledge

Peter Robinson always does an interview worth listening to. This one gives some good insight into the political future in generic terms.


Ten Mile Island said...

Thanks. Saw a segment of this talk earlier, but now am glad to have seen the whole thing.

Kinda influences some of the thoughts I've had about the Leader.

T. D. said...

TMI, this is the first longer interview with Sen. McConnell that I've seen. I was favorably impressed and found his defense of the Senate system and compromise thought provoking.

I used to get the entire Uncommon Knowledge interviews on an rss feed podcast, but Peter Robinson just sent out a video saying they would no longer be doing that. However, entire episodes could be seen on their website (and their YouTube channel).

I much prefer viewing entire interviews at once rather than the segments that appear on the National Review site.

You can either see the full version of Uncommon Knowledge interviews on their YouTube channel or at the site.