Saturday, December 11, 2010

NYT and TIME Beat National Review and The Weekly Standard

First the New York Times does a good reporting job on Sarah Palin and her possible candidacy. Now TIME magazine follows that up.

Where are leading conservative magazines like National Review or The Weekly Standard in reporting on any of the Republican candidates--let alone the presumed front runner?

The joke last year was that New York Times readers only learned about key events (e.g., problems at ACORN and with Van Jones) after the fact because the Times didn't want to cover them.

It looks like readers of National Review and The Weekly Standard are in the same boat on conservative Republican presidential candidates.

If you're a conservative, and you want good coverage on Sarah Palin, for example, you need to read the New York Times or TIME. National Review and The Weekly Standard can only provide snarky or ranting opinion pieces. There was an evaluation piece on Mitt Romney's negatives in National Review recently, but no substantive reporting on Romney's strengths or preparation to run.

Where is significant reporting by conservative media on conservative 2012 presidential candidates? They should have an inside track with conservative potential candidates, and it should sell magazines. But they don't seem interested.

It's kind of like living in a parallel universe to have to go to the New York Times and TIME for good reporting on conservatives.

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