Monday, October 25, 2010

Bend Bulletin Beats Oregonian in E-Circulation

The little Bend Bulletin (daily circulation 43,895 as of last March) is 18th in the top 25 in Electronic Editions circulation in the U.S.  From

The Oregonian doesn't even make the list.  In March of this year the Bend Bulletin didn't make the list, and the Oregonian was 23rd of the top 25 with 22,335.  Since the Oregonian didn't make the top 25 in the September, 2010, list, it must have lost e-circulation as well as print circulation, falling below the 19,739 mark of the 25th place Schenectady Gazette--a drop of at least 11% in the last six months.

The Bend Bulletin has been very creative in e-circulation promotion.

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