Wednesday, May 26, 2010

7 US Cities in Listing of 50 Best in World for Quality of Living

But no U.S. cities scored in the top 30.

Mercer Global Consulantcy has released a list of the top 50 cities in the world in terms of "quality of living".

Here are the US cities on the list and their rankings:

31 Honolulu
32 San Francisco (tied with Adelaide, Australia)
37 Boston
45 Chicago and Washington, D. C. (also tied with Lisbon, Portugal)
49 New York
50 Seattle

The number 1 city is Vienna. Vancouver, Canada is number 4.

Having visited Vienna (though more than 20 years ago), I can say it is a very nice city. At number 28 Calgary in Canada beats all the U.S. cities.

This ranking is of a selected list of 221 cities worldwide and is used "to help governments and multi-national companies compensate employees fairly when placing them on international assignments."

H/T DrudgeReport

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